Samsung Galaxy s6 have 5.1-inch super AMOLED quad-HD (2560×1440) screen has 577 pixels per inch (PPI), which makes it the sharpest on the market. Also the S6’s multi-core performance is 56% faster than Apple’s A8 chip in the iPhone 6 and 15% faster than Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810 chip. It have aided by the S6’s wireless charging which supports both WPC and PMA standards (the two biggest). The S6 rapid charging that powers-up the S6 1.5 times faster than the samsung S5.
A series of flagship smartphones Redmi Note has received many accolades. What is new in Redmi Note 3? It is a powerful flagship smartphone featuring the presence of a fingerprint scanner, metal case, capacious battery of 4000mAh. Despite its powerful features and greater staffing, phablet looks very elegant, it is still very light and pleasant to the touch. It is our pride, improved smartphone specifically designed for the youth. Quick, lightweight, beautiful, durable. Redmi Note 3 surely will please you. Flagship processor MTK Helio X10 Speed! That’s what might be called the flagship smartphone. Speed of the smartphone allows us to fully appreciate and experience the whole range of positive emotions, playing different games. Redmi Note is equipped with high-performance 8-cores, in addition, it has a faster dual-channel internal ...
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